How to Pick a Brandable Domain Name?

If you are planning to start your own blog space then you probably would like to buy a domain name which is a short, easy, and a memorable one. However, why not pick a domain name from a personal branding perspective? The best way to buy a domain name would be your real name. But unfortunately, you can only go with extensions such as .com, or even a .net. So, if you are thinking same as me, here are a few other options that can be worked upon:

Name Association

You might be an expert in a specific field so, why not select a domain name which can relate to this field? For example, John D’souza has a blog at and now we can relate to him as a technical blogger (tech blogger). This will work for him as he wanted to showcase himself as a technical blogger who writes blogs to make a living and specializes in that field.


You may have a nickdname and may like to brand yourself with that. It is wise to purchase a domain name which would contain a nickname instead of your real name. Your real name may also be available but you may want to consider your nickname if the real name is too long, hard to spell or hard to remember.


.com is one of the most popular domain extensions but by selecting a different extension might help you out. If you are planning to brand yourself for a particular audience such as in India then why not purchase a extension? Alternatively, if you are planning to brand yourself as a non-profit organization then you should think of buying a domain with an .org extension.

Personal Touch

You might be trying to create a blog name that will help you brand yourself but you also need something that will appeal to the people on a personal level. Something that will appeal to the senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste) can actually do the trick. One of the best examples that I can think of is YourStory which has some motivating stories. It helps me to connect instantly as many of the stories inspire me and I can relate to some of them on a personal level.

If you have already created a blog and your current domain name is not helping you with your personal branding then it’s not the end of the world. If you have picked up a bad name you can still do well with time.

I believe that your thoughts have already begun on the domain name that you want to have. You can always connect with us and have a domain name of your choice. For more details visit or call us on 9595233556.